The Berry Awesome Blog

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What Journal is the One for You?

on May 7, 2012

Hey! It’s Esha, and I have something fun for my viewers- a quiz! It’s a fun quiz that’ll tell you what kind of journal is best for you! Please sit back, and enjoy this quiz! (This quiz is only a guideline. Keep looking for different journals to find your perfect match!)

1. What is your favorite thing to do?

a. Write or read

b. Play sports

c. Cook

d. Dance, act, sing, or any other type of performing arts

2. What is your favorite color?

a. Light blue or white

b. Red or orange

c. Pink or brown

d. Green or purple

3. If you had a special power, what would it be?

a. Super intelligence

b. Extreme Speed

c. The ability to see the future

d. Superior flexibility

4. What do you want to be when you grow up?

a. A famous journalist

b. A famous basketball player

c. A famous cook

d. A famous performer

5. Where is your dream vacation?

a. Rome, Italy

b. Africa

c. Paris, France

d. Hawaii

OK! You answered all the questions! Now count up your scores! Whichever letter you have the most of is your final answer! What Journal is the One for You?

If you answered mostly A’s, a soothing light colored journal with the binding like a book is the one for you. You like exploring, but you love writing down your thoughts while sitting down in a peaceful place. If it’s possible, you love curling up with a great fantasy or mystery book.

If you answered mostly B’s, a bright colored journal with a spiral binding is the one for you. It’s hard for you to sit down, and you can’t stand having to read or do homework. All you want to do is play! But remember- write down your thoughts!

If you answered mostly C’s, an earthy colored journal with a spiral binding is the one for you. You may like to make up your own recipes, but you have to write down the recipe! It is easier for you to write down the recipe while you cook- your mind is constantly flowing with new recipes that you want to try it will be hard to remember each recipe!

If you answered mostly D’s, a purple or green journal with the binding like a book is the one for you. You probably love singing, dancing, or acting. You may have a lot of inspirational people, hopes, dreams, and ideas. A private journal for only YOU and YOUR ideas is what you need!

Now that you’ve taken the quiz, you have found he journal that is perfect for you! If you are out to by a brand new journal, you may like one of the options above. It is not guaranteed that you will love my option. Start out with the option that suits you best and move to different colors or designs slowly. I hope you find the perfect journal with my guidelines! Thanks for taking the quiz!

2 responses to “What Journal is the One for You?

  1. littlered says:

    I got 1 d and 4 a’s!

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